Module Cudd

module Cudd: sig .. end
An Ocaml interface to the CUDD BDD library.

type bdd 
Abstract type for BDDs. BDDs are automatically referenced at creation and dereferenced with garbage collecting.
val init : int -> unit
Initialization of CUDD. Should be called with the number of variables you plan to use. Reordering is automatically activated.
val bdd_true : unit -> bdd
val bdd_false : unit -> bdd
val bdd_not : bdd -> bdd
val bddAnd : bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val bddOr : bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val ithVar : int -> bdd
val bddExistAbstract : bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val bddUnivAbstract : bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val bddAndAbstract : bdd -> bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val make_cube : int list -> bdd
val bddSwapVariables : bdd -> int array -> int array -> bdd
val bddVectorCompose : bdd -> bdd array -> bdd
Warning: this function will cause a core dump if the biggest index of the array is not as big as the biggest variable in the bdd
val equal : bdd -> bdd -> bool
val output_file : string -> bdd -> unit
val bddRestrict : bdd -> bdd -> bdd
val value : bdd -> int
return 1 if the bdd is the constant true, 0 for the constant false, and -1 if it is not constant
val t : bdd -> bdd
then child of a node

else child of a node

val e : bdd -> bdd
val nodeReadIndex : bdd -> int
val isComplement : bdd -> bool
val isConstant : bdd -> bool
val id : bdd -> nativeint