Université Libre de Bruxelles Anthony PIRON
Research section
A. Piron photography
Outside my web
Actual Research My main interest is formal methods for modular model checking. I also work with Macq Electronique on an OO distributed language (dSL) for process supervision and automata control tasks (more info: dSL project ).
M.S. Thesis 'Optimisation de Code : Méthodes d'évaluation éparse des propriétés statiques', Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (1999). I received the Solvay Awards for this thesis. For the full text send me a mail apiron@ulb.ac.be (I really enjoy knowing new people).
Technical Reports F. Geurts, F. Macq, T. Massart, A. Piron et G. Vanstraelen. 'Présentation du projet Distributed SL (dSL)', Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2001).
Collaborators Prof. R. Devillers ;
Prof. Th. Massart ;
Prof. J.-F. Raskin ;
Mr. L. Van Begin ;
Mr. E. Van Nuffel ;
Macq Electronique .
Formal Methods Links Bookmarks about compilers and formal methods.
ULB,  Thu Mar 7 09:49:09 CET 2002 .
Comments: apiron@ulb.ac.be
Le site aux 50.001 citations et proverbes !
Current url: http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/apiron/researchsection.html