Package SurfaceCharges

Computing conserved charges in gravity using Mathematica

You can find here the Package SurfaceCharges for Mathematica 7.0 or 8.0 which requires the RG&TC package. Since the release of the Riemanian Geometry and Tensor Calculus (RG&TC) package has been discontinued on the webpage of Sotirios Bonanos, I placed a copy of the source code here and a copy of the documentation here. Sotirios Bonanos is the only owner of the RG&TC package.

SurfaceCharges contains a set of documented procedures to compute the conserved charges in gravity coupled to matter fields.
Currently, the package includes procedures to compute charges in : Einstein gravity coupled to scalar fields, U(1) gauge fields and p-forms, and in Topologically Massive Gravity. Charges can be computed in any spacetime with symmetries or asymptotic symmetries with these matter fields.

A documentation on how the procedures should be used can be found here.

Some examples of how to use these procedures can be found here : conserved charges in general relativity in 4 and 5 dimensions, Virasoro algebra in anti-de Sitter space in GR and TMG, energy of black holes in pp-wave spacetimesconserved charges for non-relativistic backgrounds.
          To download the documentation and the Mathematica files at once : here is (180ko)
Any comments or reports on glitches are welcome (send them to gcompere at
Version history : Current version is 1.01.
Change with respect to v1.00: Link to RG&TC package removed.
Change with respect to v0.99: Compatibility issue with version 3.8.0 of RG-TC resolved.

Credits: Creation of this package was supported in part by funds from the U.S National Science Foundation under grant No. PHY08-5541 to the University of California, Santa Barbara.

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