LaVaBDD : Lattice-Valued Binary Decision Diagrams Template Library

April 20th, 2010
Nicolas Maquet


LaVaBDD is a C++ template library for Lattice-Valued Binary Decision Diagrams. A formal description of this data structure is described in a paper recently submitted to ATVA 2010. The goal of this implementation is to be as simple as possible and reasonably efficient.

The LaVaBDD library is composed of a single C++ header file : lavabdd.h


The only dependency of the LaVaBDD library is Google's SparseHash. SparseHash is an efficient hash map implementation.

You can download it here :

How to use the library

Lattice-Valued Binary Decision Diagrams (LVBDD for short) encode functions of the form V(p1,...,pn) → L where:
  • p1,...,pn is a finite set of propositional variables
  • V(p1,...,pn) is the set of valuations over p1,...,pn
  • L is a finite distributive lattice
  • Step 1 : define your lattice class

    The first step to use LaVaBDD is to define your own lattice class. This class must follow the lava::Lattice interface defined in the package.

    The lava::Lattice class is a class template. To define your lattice class, you must subclass this template as in the following example:

     #include <stdexcept> // for logic_error
     #include <bdd.h> // the BuDDy ROBDD library defines the "bdd" type
     #include "lavabdd.h"
     using namespace std;
     class BDDLattice : public lava::Lattice<bdd> {
         static bool less(const bdd& x, const bdd& y) { return (x & bdd_not(y)) == bddfalse; }
         static bool equal(const bdd& x, const bdd& y) { return x == y; }
         static void join(const bdd& x, const bdd& y, bdd& z) { z = x | y; }
         static void meet(const bdd& x, const bdd& y, bdd& z) { z = x & y; }
         static void rpc(const bdd& x, const bdd& y, bdd& z) { z = bdd_not(x) | y; }
         static void drpc(const bdd& x, const bdd& y, bdd& z) { z = y & bdd_not(x); }
         static void top(bdd& x) { x = bddtrue; }
         static void bot(bdd& x) { x = bddfalse; }
         static size_t hash(const bdd& x) { return lava::hash_int(; }
         static void print(const bdd& x, ostream& out) { out << x; }
         static int size(const bdd& x) { return bdd_nodecount(x); }
         // not implemented here for the sake of brevity
         static int list_size(const list<bdd>& dds) { throw logic_error("not implemented"); }

    Here is another, simpler example.

     #include <algorithm> // for min() and max()
     #include "lavabdd.h"
     using namespace std;
     typedef unsigned char byte;
     class ByteLattice : public lava::Lattice<byte> {
         static bool less(const byte& x, const byte& y) { x < y; }
         static bool equal(const byte& x, const byte& y) { return x == y; }
         static void join(const byte& x, const byte& y, byte& z) { z = max(x, y); }
         static void meet(const byte& x, const byte& y, byte& z) { z = min(x, y); }
         static void rpc(const byte& x, const byte& y, byte& z) { z = y; }
         static void drpc(const byte& x, const byte& y, byte& z) { z = y; }
         static void top(byte& x) { x = 255; }
         static void bot(byte& x) { x = 0; }
         static size_t hash(const byte& x) { return lava::hash_int((int) x); }
         static void print(const byte& x, ostream& out) { out << x; }
         static int size(const byte& x) { return 1; }
         static int list_size(const list<byte>& xs) { return xs.size(); }

    Step 2 : Choose an LVBDD normal form

    There are three available normal forms for LVBDD defined in the package.

    For a full comparison of each, see the paper. Here is a quick bottom line:

    Step 3 : Define your LVBDD type

    Since the LVBDD class template takes two parameters, it is convenient to define your own LVBDD type. This is done simply as follows :

      class BDDLattice; // as defined above
      typedef lava::LVBDD<BDDLattice, lava::SNF_MEET> LVBDD;

    Step 4 : Initialize your LVBDD type

    Every LVBDD type must be initialized before use. See lava::LVBDD::init.

    Step 5 : You're good to go !

    You can now use your LVBDD type. See lava::LVBDD for a complete reference on the available methods.

    A good starting point is lava::LVBDD::terminal and lava::LVBDD::literal.

    To help you, here is a short example.

     #include <bdd.h> // BuDDy
     #include "lavabdd.h"
     using namespace std;
     class BDDLattice; // as defined above
     typedef lava::LVBDD<BDDLattice, lava::SNF_MEET> LVBDD;
     int main() {
         LVBDD::init();              // initialize the LVBDD type
         bdd_init(10000, 10000);     // initialize the BuDDy library
         LVBDD p1 = LVBDD::literal(1, true);
         LVBDD p2 = LVBDD::literal(2, true);
         LVBDD p3 = LVBDD::literal(3, true);
         LVBDD c1 = LVBDD::terminal(bdd_ithvar(1));
         LVBDD c2 = LVBDD::terminal(bdd_ithvar(2));
         LVBDD c3 = LVBDD::terminal(bdd_ithvar(3));
         LVBDD dd = (p1 | c1) & (p2 | c2) & (p3 | c3);


    Version 0.1 (Released February 23rd 2010)

    Initial version.

    Version 0.2 (Released February 26th 2010)

    Version 0.3 (Released March 28th 2010)

    Version 0.4 (Released April 20th 2010)

    Generated on Tue Apr 20 10:34:30 2010 for LaVaBDD by  doxygen 1.6.3