Expand, Enlarge and Check

Verification Group -- Université Libre de Bruxelles

This web page offers additional material related to the "Expand, Enlarge and Check" approach to decide the coverability problem of WSTS.

Content of the page:

Papers available for download

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Set of examples used in the experiments

For each example, we mention the size (number of places and number of transitions) and give a short description. The specification files are available for download. They describe the examples under the form of counter machines: a set of integer variables and a set of transitions that modify the value of the counters. The formalism used to describe the examples should be self-explanatory. The property that is verified (i.e. the reachability of a given upward-closed set of values of the counters) is also given in the file.
We study three category of examples:

Bounded Petri nets

#Places:11 #Transitions:9 [Download]
The mutual exclusion protocol by Leslie Lamport, with two threads.

#Places:16 #Transitions:14 [Download]
The Dekker mutual exclusion protocol, with two threads

#Places:9 #Transitions:12 [Download]
A very basic communication protocol

#Places:14 #Transitions:12 [Download]
The Peterson mutual exclusion protocol, with two threads

#Places:13 #Transitions:9 [Download]
A simple "reader/writer" mutual exclusion example.

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Petri nets

#Places:5 #Transitions:4 [Download]
A basic mutual exclusion protocol, with an unbound number of threads. The Petri net can be found as Fig. 1 of Giorgio Delzanno, Jean-François Raskin an Laurent Van Begin, Attacking Symbolic State Explosion, in Proc. CAV'01, LNCS 2102. [Download this paper]

#Places:14 #Transitions:13 [Download]
This example describes a concurrent production system. It is taken from Fig. 76 of M. Ajmone Marsan, G. Balbo, G. Conte, S. Donatelli, and G. Franceschinis, Modelling with generalized stochastic Petri nets, John Wiley Series in Parallel Computing - Chichester, 1995. [Petri net]

#Places:22 #Transitions:20 [Download]
A concurrent production system. [Petri net]

#Places:16 #Transitions:16 [Download]
A concurrent production system. [Petri net]

#Places:32 #Transitions:32 [Download]
This example describes a system in which a set of processors share the execution of various processes. It is taken from Fig. 130 of M. Ajmone Marsan, G. Balbo, G. Conte, S. Donatelli, and G. Franceschinis, Modelling with generalized stochastic Petri nets, John Wiley Series in Parallel Computing - Chichester, 1995. [Petri net]

#Places:52 #Transitions:54 [Download]
This example is an extension of the former one.

#Places:18 #Transitions:21 [Download]
This example comes from Andrew S. Miner and Gianfranco Ciardo, Efficient Reachability Set Generation and Storage Using Decision Diagrams, in Proc. ICATPN'99, LNCS 1639. It describes a concurrent production system. [Petri net]

#Places:31 #Transitions:36 [Download]
This is the PNCSA protocol as described in example 4.7 of Alain Finkel, The minimal coverability graph for Petri nets, Proc. APN'93, LNCS 674

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Petri nets with transfer arcs

#Places:13 #Transitions:8 [Download]
The Control Server Monitor. A consistency protocol with atomic syncronization actions. [Image]

#Places:9 #Transitions:11 [Download]
A cache coherency protocol.

#Places:12 #Transitions:8 [Download]
Steve German's cache coherency protocol.

#Places:44 #Transitions:37 [Download]
The counting abstraction of a Consumer/Producer multithread Java program, with two different kinds of consumers and producers. Buggy. [Java source code]

#Places:44 #Transitions:38 [Download]
The counting abstraction of a Consumer/Producer multithread Java program. Same as the previous example but without the bug. [Java source code]

#Places:18 #Transitions:14 [Download]
The counting abstraction of a Consumer/Producer multithreaded Java Program, taken from the [Sun tutorial].

#Places:18 #Transitions:14 [Download]
Same as the former example, with another property.

#Places:50 #Transitions:52 [Download]
An example of counting abstraction of a Java program from Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java (TM): Design, Principles and Patterns, second edition, Adison Wesley, 2000

#Places:48 #Transitions:42 [Download]
An example of counting abstraction of a Java program from Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java (TM): Design, Principles and Patterns, second edition, Adison Wesley, 2000

#Places:16 #Transitions:12 [Download]
An example of counting abstraction of a Java program from Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java (TM): Design, Principles and Patterns, second edition, Adison Wesley, 2000

#Places:80 #Transitions:104 [Download]
An example of counting abstraction of a Java program from Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java (TM): Design, Principles and Patterns, second edition, Adison Wesley, 2000

#Places:32 #Transitions:28 [Download]
An example of Java program where two threads share an object describing a point in 2-dimensional space, and increment or decrement its coordinates. [Java source code]

#Places:90 #Transitions:117 [Download]
An example of conting abstraction of a Java program from Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java (TM): Design, Principles and Patterns, second edition, Adison Wesley, 2000

#Places:6 #Transitions:5 [Download]
The Esparza-Finkel-Mayr counter machine. Can be found at Fig. 2 of Javier Esparza, Alain Finkel, Richard Mayr, On the verification of broadcast protocols, in Proc. LICS'99. IEEE Computer Society, 352--359.

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Experimental results

This page reports on the experiments we have carried out in order to assess the pratical usability of Expand, Enlarge and Check.
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The EEC algorithm has been implemented in the mist tool.
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May 22 15:50:58 CEST 2009
