Christophe MACQ


Personnal Informations
Professional Data
How to join me
Current research
Teaching activities and work at the Department
Personnal Interests

Personnal Informations

Name: MACQ
Given name: Christophe
Nationality: belgian
Date of Birth: 07/10/1976
Place of Birth: Brussels
Mother Tongue: french

Professional Data

I have received my M.S. degree in computer science in 1998. My Master thesis was untilted (in french) : "Etude pratique des principaux Algorithmes d'ordonnancement de tâches apériodiques en présence de tâches périodiques dans un système temps réel.". I'm now an Assistant-research worker at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Département d'Informatique, Service des Systèmes Distribués, since October 1998.

How to join me

Campus de la plaine
Building NO
office number: 2. O.8.213
Phone number: (+32) 2 650 5042
Fax number: (+32) 2 650 5609

Christophe Macq
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Campus de la plaine - C.P. 212
Boulevard du Triomphe
1050 Bruxelles

homepage (this page)

Current Research

I'm now working on real-time scheduling, especially a comparison of performances for different scheduling algorithms in a system where you can find hard periodic tasks and soft aperiodic tasks. I suppose now I work with task without common resources. I also work on the study of some real-time parameters as the hyper-period (the period of a real-time system composed of periodic tasks).

List of publications
  • Performance analysis of various scheduling algorithms for real-time systems composed of aperiodic and periodic tasks - J. Goossens and C. Macq (presented at the 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis ans Synthesis).
    Abstract: We consider a simulation tool for the study of scheduling algorithms for real-time systems composed of periodic and aperiodic tasks. We first introduce the scheduling problem of real-time systems, we pre\-sent popular scheduling algorithms for periodic tasks with hard deadlines, and then we consider the case of mix systems, composed of periodic as well aperiodic tasks and we briefly present the various popular scheduling algorithms for these kind of systems. After that, we describe our simulation tool and define the metrics we use to compare the performances of the various servers. In a next section, we present results of simulations and classify the aperiodic servers. In this section, we also present strategies to improve the performances of the various scheduling algorithms. Finally, we give some concluding remarks.
  • Limitation of the Hyper-Period in a Real-Time Periodic Task Set Generation - J. Goossens and C. Macq (presented at RTS'2001 6-8 mars 2001, Paris).
    Abstract: This paper presents a method used in order to generate arbitrary task systems, compound of periodic and independent tasks. The originality of this methods relays on a judicious choice of the periods of the tasks in order to reduce the lcm of the periods (and the simulation duration required in order to study such a system). The authors prove that the lcm of n integers might be very high: they propose an upper bound of the lcm of n integers, given by exp(m) where m is the least prime number greater than the greatest integer in the set of the n integers. Then, they present a method in order to choose the periods of the tasks which imply a bounded lcm of the periods. The method relies on the decomposition of an integer in distinct prime factors. A second algorithm is proposed in order to obtain the other temporal parameters of the task system to generate. Then, an example is given in order to illustrate the method: several task systems are generated for performance analysis of classical scheduling algorithms, in term of preemption.

Teaching Activities and other works at DI

  • INFO 006 Algorithmique et Programmation - M. Thierry Massart.
  • INFO 018 Fonctionnement des ordinateurs, aspects matériels et Logiciels - M. Raymond Devillers.
  • INFO 090 Algorithmique générale I - M. Yves Roggeman.
  • INFO 038 Architecture d'un système d'exploitation - M. Raymond Devillers.
  • INFO 011 Langages de programmation usuels - M. Claude Machgeels.
  • INFO 012 Interfaces Humains-ordinateurs - M. Claude Machgeels.
  • INFO 019 Techniques avancées de systèmes d'exploitation - M. Raymond Devillers.
Page contenant tous les fichiers concernant les différents TPS.

Personal Interests

Known programming languages
  • PHP, HTML, CSS2 and SQL
  • Java
  • Perl
  • C and C++
  • Assembly language for the intel 80x86
  • Fortran
  • Notion in Eiffel
  • Csh scripting and notion in python
  • Some knowledge in Ada95 and Cobol
Here are some links on the linux operating system and interresting tools: