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Title: PIMAN (Pôle de compétence en Inspection et Maintenance Assistée par langage Naturel)
Partner: Voice-Insight S.A., VRContext, Elsys
Funding: Région Bruxelles-Capitale
Project number:
Duration: 2007-2008

Project overview:

This project aims at assisting maintenance operators in industrial environments by providing them, by the means of a wireless interface, with an augmented reality of their surroundings. The three main features of the interface are:
  • A speech recognition module, allowing speech based interaction with the interface (Voice Insight).
  • A localization service, allowing to provide in real time the position of the operator within its environment (MLG).
  • A 3D visual representation of the environment, featuring an avatar of the operator (VRContext, Elsys).

Machine Learning Group contribution:

The main contribution of the MLG will lie in the design of the localization service. The localization system will rely on a set of wireless emitters/transmitters (WET) embedded in the environment, that can communicate with the interface carried by the operator. The goal is to use the network formed by the WETs as a GPS, where each WET acts as a local satellite from which distances with the operator have to be inferred on the basis of radio indicators. In a first stage, the MLG will carry out real-world deployments to characterize the radio communication profiles in industrial environments, and to identify indicators that can be used to infer distances. On the basis of these results, the MLG's role will be to assess and to determine the localization technique (trilateration, multi-dimensional scaling, bounding box) that provides the best position estimates given the distances inferred. An overview of the research on wireless sensor networks in the Machine Learning Group is available on this poster.

MLG researcher involved:

Yann-Aël Le Borgne
Mathieu Van Der Haegen
Jean-Michel Dricot