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Title: COMP2SYS (COMputational intelligence methods for COMplex SYStems)
Partner: IRIDIA (Institut de Recherches Interdisciplinaires et de Développements en Intelligence Artificielle)
Funding: European Union FP6
Project number:
Duration: 2004-2008
COMP2SYS Web Site: http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/comp2sys/

Project overview:

This project focuses on the training of early stage researchers to the use of Computational Intelligence techniques for the treatment of complex systems in science and engineering. The programme aims at developing the knowledge and skills necessary to solve complex problems using the powerful emergent methods and tools of Computational Intelligence. Five main research topics are supported by the COMP2SYS programme:
1) Evolutionary computation
2) Ant colony optimization
3) Artificial chemistry and biological networks
4) Theoretical and applied machine learning
5) Swarm intelligence and swarm robotics

Machine Learning Group contribution:

Within this scheme, the fourth topic will be mostly investigated at the Computer Science Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, through the study of machine learning methods for data streams. A data stream is an open-ended sequence of data, whose rate is high compared to available computational ressources. Applications are numerous, both in scienfific and in business fields, and the lack of theoretical and practical tools for analysing data streams motivates research on this particular aspect of data mining.

MLG researcher involved:

Yann-Aël Le Borgne (Machine Learning Group - Computer Science Department - Université Libre de Bruxelles - Supervisor : Prof. Gianluca Bontempi).