About the Center

About the center
Studying in Canada

The Center for the Study of North America was created in 2008. It replaced the Center for Canadian Studies that was founded in 1982 by Professor G. Kurgan-van Hentenryk.  

The Center aims to approach the study of North America (Canada, Mexico and the United States) from a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective. Its researchers are mainly social and human scientists, specializing in such various areas as political science, economics, anthropology, international relations, literature, sociology, law, history, media studies… Some of the research themes that have been focused on are: comparative federalism, urban studies, secularization, women studies, the history of Belgian-American relations, North American poetry and theatre, French and English language literature, the status of artists as well as the coexistence of linguistic communities and its historical, political, sociological and cultural consequences

This research has led to numerous publications, regular international conferences and seminars and to frequent stays by professors and researchers from northern American universities.

The members of the Center teach specific classes in North American Studies, notably on federalism, literature (French and English language) and history. They also introduce a “North American” aspect in various general classes. The Center also encourages the writing of master and doctoral thesis on North America. To this end, it makes available the best Belgian library on Canadian studies.

 The Center also encourages student and academic exchanges with North American universities.

 The Center for the Study of North America is an associated member of the International Council for Canadian Studies. It is also a member of the European Network for Canadian Studies.

Past annual reports of activity (.pdf, in French): 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

See also (in french): "L'ULB: la plus canadienne des universités belges", article of the magazine Esprit Libre, November 2003.